Business Blog SEO Tips That Drive Sales [1065]

As we move through the millennia, SEO is becoming more and more important to the success of a business.

In fact, SEO spending in the US is set to rise from $11.44 billion in 2008 to almost $80 billion by 2020. Experts forecast a $10 billion increase in spending within the next three years. 

Thankfully, your blog holds the key to bolstering your SEO. 

But how can you make sure you’re getting the most out of your blog? 

Here’s a quick look at a few of the best business blog SEO tips you can use for your websitesite. Keep reading to find out how to attract even more leads with your blog! 

Conduct Thorough Keyword Research

One critical step many businesses overlook when writing blog posts is keyword research.

Keyword research entails using web tools to find keywords in your industry that are easy to rank for. The keywords you find will serve as the basis for the topics of your articles. Make sure to include them in your headers, sub-headers, content, and meta descriptions.

However, when writing blog content, don’t just focus on keywords. Creating valuable content is one of the main points Google stresses to webmastersmasters. Plus, overstuffing keywords results in a lower SEO score.

If you don’t have time to produce timely, high-quality content for your blog, pay someone else to do it for you. You can start by looking through SEO Clerk Content Writers. But make sure your writer knows how to conduct thorough keyword research.

src="http://wwwcrazyleafdesigncom/blog/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/analyticsjpeg".com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/analytics.jpeg" alt="" width="430" height="287" />Focus On Reducing Your Bounce Rate

Bounce rate is the percentage of visitors that leave your site after looking at only one page. Search engines like Google view a high bounce rate as an indicator of a low-quality websitesite. To lower your bounce rate, start with your blog since it attracts a large chunk of your organic traffic.

One great way to address a high bounce rate is to give your visitors something to click on when they’re on your blog. Make sure you have plenty of internal links to other blog posts on your websitesite.  Furthermore, design your calls-to-action in a way that they stick out from the rest of the content.

Also, consider that more than half of all mobile users leave a websitesite if it takes more than 3 seconds to load. To combat this, upgrade your web hosting and optimize your code.

Finally, you need returning visitors to drive down your bounce rate as well. Therefore, make your content skimmable so mobile visitors won’t struggle to read it. 

Don’t Forget to Optimize Your Images

Optimizing your images is another one of the best blog SEO tips.

Research tells us that it’s a good idea to include at least one image in a blog post. Articles that feature visuals get 94% more views than those than those with only text.

Always start with high-quality images that compliment your blog posts. Next, go to HTML view and optimize your images by adding keywords to the alt text. This allows you change a title like “IMG1337” to something more relevant to your content.

You should also consider reducing the size of your image to help your posts load faster. Just don’t lower the quality of your images to the point where they look grainy. 

Final Thoughts on Blog SEO Tips

Your business will benefit mightily by putting these blog SEO tips to good use. If you promote your website wellsite well and maintain your blog, you’ll increase your leads in no time.

If you have any other tips you’d like to add, let us know in the comment section!

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