Onsite SEO - Chapter 4 - Blacklisted Sites [119]

Banned from Google?

You did everything legal:
  • no hidden text
  • not buying links
  • not spamming
  • writing content
  • etc
Even following all the rules you site was banned from Google or got kicked to results 100+.
The reason is very simple. You are linking to a Blacklisted websitesite or the most common name "Black Hat Sitess". 

Definition of Black Hat Sites:

A black hat
site, is a websitesite that did all the oppoopposite above and is totally banned from Google. If you have in your websitesite a link to their site, Google will think you belong to their network and will also penalize you.

That goes href="https://wwwit-designes/news/onsite-seo-chapter-2-content">back.es/news/onsite-seo-chapter-2-content">back to Chapter 2: Never, Never add external links to your site.
It's an inecessary risk and if you're investing money in
href="https://wwwit-designes/search-engine-optimization-marbella">SEO.es/search-engine-optimization-marbella">SEO you most likely will lose your money...

Our advice is only keep a link if you know who you're linking to and make sure you get a link back. It's very important that the site you're linking to is relevant to yours so it will be more impact in your ranking results.

More advices soon...