Daily Freebie: E-commerce Online Store UI Kit [838]

Today?s daily freebie comes from Ramotion, a digital product design agency that help startups. They?ve provided us with an e-commerce UI kit to help us be on our merry way.

This UI kit gives you a nice collection of store components which is simple to use including user tile, product tile, CTA buttons, and a bunch of elements that can be extended and are super easy to customize. The kit also comes with flat style color palette that are clean and easy to incorporate into any store.

Download after the jump, and head over to Ramotion?s portfolio where they cook up some nice inspiration as well.

src="http://wwwcrazyleafdesigncom/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/Free-UI-Kit-Ramotionjpg?ce0830".com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/Free-UI-Kit-Ramotion.jpg?ce0830" alt="Free-UI-Kit-Ramotion" width="2493" height="1870" />

User Interface



Font: webwebdesignorg.org