15 Beautiful Free Sports Vectors [233]

Everybody probably loves some sort of sport and everybody loves free vectors, and that is why we decided to make a free sports vectors compilation. There are a lot of round-ups these days on the hundreds of design blogs that are around today. Most of them refer to WordPress or Photoshop. There are less and less vector round-ups and even fewer sports vectors round-ups.

That is why we collaborated with our good friends at Freepik to put together a list of beautiful sports vectors for you guys. If you haven’t already be sure to check out the other resources we have released with the guys at Freepik, lie this universal icons pack, these spa icons, these journalism icons or these retro icons.

We have soccer and football vectors, baseball vectors, basketball vectors and much more. Have a look below and enjoy !

Vector Sports Icons

Polygon graphics are reallyly hot right now. This vector illustrates a soccer player cheering. Download by clicking on the image.

Vector Sports Icons

Another soccer player vector, this time illustrating a running scene. This vector is also designeded in a polygon style.

Vector Sports Icons

Black and white soccer player vector with a vintage playing ball.

Vector Sports Icons

Free vector of a perspective soccer field mockup with a score and match summary board.

Vector Sports Icons

This free vector illustrates soccer statistics on a 2D playing field complete with some play schemes.

Vector Sports Icons

Orange soccer uniform vector. The front and back sides are both included.

Vector Sports Icons

A beautiful free vector illustrating a soccer ball, a football ball, a basket ball and a voley ball.

Vector Sports Icons

These illustrations remind me of the olympic games and the logos used for them. There are a total of 16 free vectors, you can use for sports logos.

Vector Sports Icons

A vectorial sports infographic set that includes a tennis player, a playing racket and several text boxes in different colors.

Vector Sports Icons

A beautiful basket ball vector. The design makes you think more to a basketball logo,  then an iisolatedated vectorial element.

Vector Sports Icons

Baseball vector suitable for a logo or a baseball websitesite header or maybe a baseball flyer.

Vector Sports Icons

Abstract high quality free tennis ball vector. Click on the image to download.

Vector Sports Icons

High quality vector illustrating a football poster.

Vector Sports Icons

High quality vector illustrating a basketball poster.

Vector Sports Icons

Perspective tennis court vector with a score board and time indicator.

Do you know any good sports vectors or vector packs?

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