Why You Should Be Using Video Marketing to Grow Your Small Business [993]

Why You Should Be Using Video Marketing to Grow Your Small Business

If you?re like most small-business owners, you?re always looking for ways to help your venture stand out in the crowded
marketplace, and to draw in as many new and repeat customers as possible. You no doubt also need to do this in a way that is economical and sustainable.

Happily, there are lots of great marketing techniques you can use in this digital day and age. One of the fastest-growing opportunities though, that is definitely worth putting some time and money into, is video marketing.

While a few years ago videos used to be mainly used by large corporations because of the costs involved in producing them, today advances in technology mean that it?s simple and affordable for even the smallest organizations to create footage that is uploaded on websitessites, social media sitess, and more. Read on for some of the main reasons why you should be exploring video marketing today, and some tips for going about doing so.

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When you operate a small business, you typically have quite limited funds to use on marketing, so it?s important to get the best value for your dollar. Video is perfect then, as it is one of the most effective ways to get the attention of consumers, all across the world, particularly when it comes to mobile views. Indeed, take a look at statistics and you?ll see that online videos actually account for a whopping 50 percent of mobile web traffic.

A big benefit of video marketing is that it takes advantage of the fact that consumers often prefer to watch videos than read text on a screen or page. As a result, many people give more attention to videos than they do to written details in front of them.

When faced with large amounts of text, lots of shoppers lose focus and interest quickly. On the other hand, videos keep attention more easily, make more memorable impressions, and communicate the same message in a quicker timeframe.

Build Your Brand

Another benefit of using videos for your marketing is that videos can allow you to build your brand, and interact with potential and current customers more effectively. When you utilize videos on your websitesite and social media pages, you encourage people to spend more time browsing and therefore getting to know your brand, products, and services. You can also communicate the values, mission, and personality of your brand and your team more through videos than you can through text.

Furthermore, using video marketing can help you to build trust with consumers. This is because, through videos, you can properly demonstrate the various benefits of your products, services, or organization in general, and/or show people how to use your offerings. Videos make it easier to both inform and entertain shoppers, and help consumers to make decisions about what to buy and how to use items.

Enjoy Better Search Engine Optimization

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Tips for Producing Top Videos

When it comes to producing videos for your business, remember that it?s quality, not just quantity, that?s important. As a result, it pays to utilize a firm that specializes in creating corporate videos, like Diamond View Studios, so that all of your productions are professional, memorable and shareable.

It is also a good idea to keep your videos short (around 30 seconds or less) as this is the general sweet spot for consumer attention. If you have a long message you want to put out there, then it?s better to break up your videos into segments and post them separately, instead of just creating one long piece.

Next, make sure that your videos always have pertinent contact information in them (like your company name, websitesite address, phone number, and/or social media pages) so that viewers know how to get in touch with you if they want to find out more.

You?ll also get better results if you add a call to action to each production. There is no hard and fast rule on what this call to action should be, but you could, for example, use things such as:

Including your phone number and encouraging people to call for a limited-time deal Adding your web address where viewers can go to sign up for your newsletter Running a competition to encourage people to purchase products or services for entry

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