Why You Need a Cohesive Branding Strategy [1101]

It’s always a clever idea to get your brand and logo into as many places as possible. Being visible is always a positive, and ensuring that as many people get to see your company is vital to spread the word. However, a brand can be over-extended, and if used incorrectly, it can start sending the wrong messages or lose some of its value. Your brand is the way consumers get to know you, and sending mixed signals can lead to confusion and potentially lost profits.

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With that in mind, it’s crucial to consider this aspect from the start. When you create a brand, you should always think about how it will be used, where it should be displayed, and other facets that may play a role in future marketing efforts. Brands aren’t simply a hodge-podge of marketing materials and a logo. Instead, your efforts should present a united front that your company can deploy for maximum success. Here is why you need to create a cohesive branding strategy:

Make the Best First Impression, Anywhere

As online and social media change the way people consume information and discover services, businesses always must be prepared to onboard new customers through a variety of marketing channels. A branding strategy that doesn’t account for different avenues can lead to mixed messages. Customers who visit your Facebook page might see one thing, while your Twitter account will say another, and your landing page something else. With such a breadth of competition online, consumers won’t think twice about picking a company that presents a clear message throughout their communication channels. Instead, focusing on creating one consistent message throughout means that any new customers will always find the same company. Unified branding creates transparency and trust with new customers.

Create an Instantly Recognizable Brand

How do companies such as Nike, Apple, and McDonald’s manage to be such household brands? These businesses keep incredibly tight control of their brands. They have developeded extensive style guides that explain clearly how their brand should be displayed down to specific color palettes, the angles at which they should be placed, and even where they should and shouldn’t be used. The result is companies that are readily able to guarantee their brands are always expressed the same way no matter where they’re used. This degree of continuity helps create a unique identity that is easy to spot even from a mile away. By presenting a strong brand across every outlet, your company can more easily gain the type of recognition that catapults small businesses to familiar household names.

Strengthen Your Message

One crucial job of a brand is to convey a company’s core values efficiently. Brands that don’t present a united front dilute their company’s message significantly. If one outlet is portraying a fun and carefree persona, while another displays a business-oriented message, consumers will be confused and turn to elsewhere for service. Moreover, different personas and messages lower your brand’s value as it loses recognizability and impact. Creating an organized brand that resonates makes your message stand out and puts it front and center. By considering your message from the start, your brand can complement your values and vice versa.

Simplify Your Marketing Efforts

Planning a marketing campaign can take time and resources, even in the best of situations. A brand that isn’t well defined can make the process even more complicated, as it creates questions that must be constantly asked and answered. By having to work with several different brand strategies and channels, your marketing resources are constantly pulled in different directions, causing each to lose effectiveness. Instead, a uniform brand can simplify many of the questions a marketing strategy invites considering you only have to answer them once. Think about how your brand will play into your marketing efforts across various channels to create an integrated branding strategy that will benefit all of them simultaneously.

A Cohesive Brand is A Powerful One

Creating a cohesive brand is simple when you work on it from the start. By taking into consideration the small details, the big picture will be easier to assemble over the long run. A strategy that creates a unified, consistent brand throughout all your communication channels stands out as an invaluable tool to complement your marketing efforts.

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