The 125 cities you can visit flying from Malaga airport [1674]

Málaga-Málaga-Costa del Sol airport has connections with 125 destinations operated by 51 airlines. You can fly from Malaga to a wide variety of cities within the national territory, as well as to the most important capitals in Europe. It also has flights with Africa, Asia and North America.

Within the national territory there are about twenty destinations, not only within the peninsula, but also in the archipelagos and autonomous cities. The country that has the most connections with Malaga is the United Kingdom, with more than fifteen cities connected to the capital of the Costa del Sol. Germany follows, with a dozen, and the third and fourth positions are held by Poland and Italy, respectively.

You can practically go to any European country from Malaga, with connections to both Mediterranean countries (like Italy) as well as central Europe ((Germany, Vienna, Hungary or Romania) or the Nordic countries (Norway or Sweden. The country with which you most Malaga has connections to the United Kingdom, with 17 cities. In second place is Germany, with which there are 12 cities connected.

It stands out that most of the connections that exist from Malaga with Africa are to the neighboring country of Morocco, with five cities, among which are its capital, as well as some of the most vivisitedd towns in the African country.

The other African country with which Malaga airport is connected is Egypt, specifically with the city of Luxor.

/>Malaga Airport also connects with North America and Asia. In this second continent, specifically with the city of Doha, Qatar, whose connections were expanded to all year round. This was announced by the airline that operates this route, Qatar Airways, this will mean that there will be this route at least three times a week during the year.

And the connection it has with North America is with the Canadian city of MontMontreal. With this Malaga is connected with three continents around the world.