Conference Call Etiquette: Don’t Get Caught Doing This [1115]

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The days of in-person meetings in the same conference room are fading into the past. Meetings nowadays can happen whenever and wherever. You can conference call with people all over the world from the comfort of your own desk.

With a 45% adoption rate, chances are your employees will enjoy the option to use conference calling. While conference calls offer much more freedom, there are still some rules to follow. Proper conference call etiquette is a must. One wrong move and your company’s reputation could be tarnished! Keep reading to learn the dos and don’ts of conference calling.

Use a Note Taker

With conference calls, it’s easy to get wrapped up in the technology. But, just like any other meeting, proper conference call etiquette requires a note taker.

This person should be available for the entire duration of the call. All pertinent information, such as business decisions or actions, need to be documented.

Providing notes to each of the conference call attendees ensures everyone is on the same page. These notes are also useful as a reference guide for users who were unable to call into the conference.

Be Prepared Technically

Sometimes technology has a mind of its own. To ensure your conference calls are a success, be sure to work out any kinks beforehand.

There’s nothing worse than hosting a 20 person conference call with users around the world, only to have the call drop.

Be sure that your existing phone system can handle conference calling. You’ll also want to ensure that your service provider, such as VoiceOnyx, offers at least a 99.9% up rate.

HD voice technology is also useful for improved voice quality and a lower risk of static.

Determine Who is Who

Unlike traditional meetings, conference callers are unknown unless everyone announces who they are. Before moving onto the topic at hand, ensure everyone is aware of who is participating.

If the call involves users from other companies, be sure to establish:

Caller’s name Company information Position within the company

To best manage a conference call, send out a calendar invite listing all invitees. This gives everyone an upfront idea of who may be joining in on the call.

Announce Any Disruptions

Stuck dialing into a conference call while driving home? Calling in from a noisy location? Make everyone aware of any potential disruptions before the call gets underway.

By announcing disruptions, other callers don’t need to assume there’s something wrong with their own connection. This helps to minimize confusion and lost time.

Conference Call Etiquette: Wrap-up

With the proper rules in place, conference calls can become second nature. The versatility that these calls offer make sharing business ideas or connecting with new clients much easier.

Aside from engaging with your network, it’s important to stay in-the-know with the latest and greatest marketing tips and trends.

At Crazy Leaf Design, we offer all sorts of business resources. From web design to SEO marketing, we cover every facet of owning a business.

Want to learn more? Contact our team today.

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